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I’m conscious of Johoreans concern regarding the Covid-19 vaccination programme, especially the surge in the number of positive cases and deaths lately.
In light of the alarming Covid-19 pandemic situation in Johor, His Majesty Sultan of Johor decreed on 20 May 2021 for all Members of Parliament and State Assembly in Johor to have a meeting and work together to help Johoreans combat the Covid-19 pandemic.
The youth should also play a role in curbing the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the ways are to become a volunteer in the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK), help to share verified news regarding vaccines, and encourage family members and friends to register for vaccination.
With this, I decree that the Southern Volunteers be mobilised to assist in the vaccination programme at vaccination centres in every district in Johor in terms of registering the Johor rakyat for vaccination. I also hope the Southern Volunteers will be able to encourage the youth to play a bigger role in curbing the Covid-19 pandemic.
May the Southern Volunteers’ role be optimised to help ensure success of the vaccination programme and increase its efficiency. Allah Berkati Johor.
HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor