By admin
I completely understand the grouses of Johoreans that the vaccination rate in the state has been slow. It needs to be sped up immediately to ensure we can reach herd immunity and allow the Johor economy to recover sooner.
I have been informed by YB Khairy Jamaluddin and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation officials that Johor received another 165,000 vaccine doses today to bring the total for July to 695,370 doses. Johor was supposed to receive 1.293 million doses for July but there has been a delay from Pfizer and Sinovac. However, 570,000 more doses are due to arrive by 29th July.
I have been briefed by the state government that they are capable of vaccinating up to 60,000 doses per day but the current vaccination rate averaged around 30,000 a day the past week, largely due to the availability of vaccines. I have ordered the state goverment and respective agencies to swiftly find methods to further increase the vaccination rate including sourcing for vaccines directly.
Johoreans have done their part in regards to the registration for vaccines with 91% of the adult population registered. This was helped by the vaccination drive by Southern Volunteers that registered more than half a million Johoreans.
HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor